Porvoon Retriitti ja ystäväni Katjan esittely
Moi! Blogipostaus, voitteko uskoa! Kuten olette ehkä uutiskirjeestä tai Instagramista nähneet, minä järjestän kesäkuussa hyvän ystäväni Katjan kanssa viikonloppuretriitin Porvoossa. Ajattelin esitellä Katjan täällä mun blogin puolella. Jos vaikka saisin tästä intoa lähteä päivittämään blogia säännöllisesti! Minä ja Katja tavattiin 26 vuotta sitten. Katja oli 16, minä 20. Tapasimme silloisten poikaystäviemme kautta. Voimme kummatkin varmaan […]
Why is juice not a good idea if you want to lose weight?
You might have seen me talk about juice on my Instagram… How I’m not a fan of it at all. The reason for this is the unbelievable amount of sugar packed in them. Natural or not, it’s still sugar and it will still cause your blood sugar to rise… a lot. Why is that bad […]
This is my favourite smoothie
This is my favourite smoothie that you will have seen show up on my Instagram stories on the regular. I make it mega size because I enjoy it so much and because I’m an eater! I’m not one to skimp on meal – or smoothie – sizes. That, by the way, is one of the […]
How badly do you want to loose weight
Let’s be totally honest; a lot of us have spent a good chunk of our lives trying to loose weight. Sometimes those attempts might have been successful, a lot of times unsuccessful and most of the times unsustainable. Most diets work. As in if you manage to stick with them you will loose weight. Problem […]
Exercise and Me Over the Years
I was not into PE at school. I had no interest in team sports and would literally run out of the way when a ball headed my way in any ball game. In gymnastics I once wore shorts that were too big for me that resulted in them catching on the end of a high […]
“What I eat”
What do I eat? This is actually quite easy to answer; I prefer to eat real food that originates from nature and has not been processed or minimally so. I don’t like to consume refined sugar and grains, pesticides, seed oils, additives and stabilisers (funny that…) If you were to spot me in a super […]